RTK  2.6.0
Reconstruction Toolkit
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Crtk::args_info_manager< TArgsInfo, TCleanupFunction >
 Crtk::ImagXGeometryReader< TInputImage >::CalibrationModelType
 Crtk::Functor::ComputeAttenuationCorrection< TInput, TOutput >Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection
 Crtk::Functor::ComputeAttenuationCorrectionBackProjection< TInput, TOutput >Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection
 Crtk::ImagXGeometryReader< TInputImage >::FlexmapType
 Crtk::ProjectionsRegionConstIteratorRayBased< TImage >Iterate over a projection stack with corresponding ray information
 Crtk::Functor::InterpolationWeightMultiplication< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values
 Crtk::Functor::InterpolationWeightMultiplicationAttenuated< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values and attenuation map
 Crtk::Functor::InterpolationWeightMultiplicationAttenuatedBackProjection< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values and attenuation map
 Crtk::Functor::InterpolationWeightMultiplicationBackProjection< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values
 Crtk::ImagXGeometryReader< TInputImage >::InterpResultType
 Crtk::Functor::LUT< TInput, TOutput >
 Crtk::Functor::MaximumIntensityAlongRay< TInput, TOutput >Function to compute the maximum intensity (MIP) value along the ray projection
 Crtk::Functor::MaximumIntensityProjectedValueAccumulation< TInput, TOutput >Function to calculate maximum intensity step along the ray projection
 Crtk::NormalVariateNoiseFunctor< TPixel >Pixel functor that adds Gaussian noise
 Crtk::Function::ObiAttenuation< TInput, TOutput >Converts a raw value measured by the Varian OBI system to attenuation
 CPolynomialGainCorrectionPixel-wize polynomial gain calibration
 Crtk::Functor::ProjectedValueAccumulation< TInput, TOutput >Function to accumulate the ray casting on the projection
 Crtk::Functor::ProjectedValueAccumulationAttenuated< TInput, TOutput >Function to accumulate the ray casting on the projection
 CRabbitCtGlobalDataRabbitCT global data structure
 CRawToAttenuationImageFilterConvert raw XRad data to attenuation images
 Crtk::ResourceProbesCollectorAggregates a set of time, memory and cuda memory probes
 CrtkDualEnergyNegativeLogLikelihoodCost function for dual energy decomposition into material, and associated forward model
 CrtkProjectionsDecompositionNegativeLogLikelihoodBase class for projections decomposition cost functions
 CrtkSchlomka2008NegativeLogLikelihoodCost function from the Schlomka 2008 PMB paper
 Crtk::Functor::SoftThreshold< TInput, TOutput >
 Crtk::Functor::SplatWeightMultiplication< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projection values
 Crtk::Functor::SplatWeightMultiplicationAttenuated< TInput, TCoordRepType, TOutput >Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projection values
 Crtk::Functor::SumAlongRay< TInput, TOutput >Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection
 CSumOfSquaresImageFilterComputes the sum of squared differences between two images
 Crtk::Functor::ValueAlongRay< TInput, TOutput >
 Crtk::WatcherForResourceProbeVery light watcher to monitor Start and End events on all filters