Reconstruction Toolkit
▶Nrtk | |
▶NFunction | |
CObiAttenuation | Converts a raw value measured by the Varian OBI system to attenuation |
▶NFunctor | |
CComputeAttenuationCorrection | Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection |
CComputeAttenuationCorrectionBackProjection | Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection |
CInterpolationWeightMultiplication | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values |
CInterpolationWeightMultiplicationAttenuated | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values and attenuation map |
CInterpolationWeightMultiplicationAttenuatedBackProjection | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values and attenuation map |
CInterpolationWeightMultiplicationBackProjection | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projected volume values |
CLUT | |
CMaximumIntensityAlongRay | Function to compute the maximum intensity (MIP) value along the ray projection |
CMaximumIntensityProjectedValueAccumulation | Function to calculate maximum intensity step along the ray projection |
CProjectedValueAccumulation | Function to accumulate the ray casting on the projection |
CProjectedValueAccumulationAttenuated | Function to accumulate the ray casting on the projection |
CSoftThreshold | |
CSplatWeightMultiplication | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projection values |
CSplatWeightMultiplicationAttenuated | Function to multiply the interpolation weights with the projection values |
CSumAlongRay | Function to compute the attenuation correction on the projection |
CValueAlongRay | |
CAdditiveGaussianNoiseImageFilter | Adds Gaussian noise to the input image |
CAddMatrixAndDiagonalImageFilter | For each vector-valued pixel, adds a vector to the diagonal of a matrix |
CADMMTotalVariationConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the ADMM reconstruction with total variation regularization |
CADMMTotalVariationConjugateGradientOperator | Implements the operator A used in the conjugate gradient step of ADMM reconstruction with total variation regularization |
CADMMWaveletsConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the ADMM reconstruction with wavelets regularization |
CADMMWaveletsConjugateGradientOperator | Implements the operator A used in the conjugate gradient step of ADMM reconstruction with wavelets regularization |
CAmsterdamShroudImageFilter | Compute the Amsterdam shroud image for respiratory signal extraction |
Cargs_info_manager | |
CAverageOutOfROIImageFilter | Averages along the last dimension if the pixel is outside ROI |
CBackProjectionImageFilter | 3D backprojection |
CBackwardDifferenceDivergenceImageFilter | Computes the backward differences divergence (adjoint of the forward differences gradient) of the input image |
CBioscanGeometryReader | |
CBlockDiagonalMatrixVectorMultiplyImageFilter | Multiplies matrix by vector |
CBoellaardScatterCorrectionImageFilter | Scatter correction for cone-beam CT reconstruction |
CBoxShape | BoxShape defines a paralleliped. The box is defined by its two opposite corners, BoxMin and BoxMax, and a rotation matrix Direction. The box corresponding to an Image can be set using the function SetBoxShapeFromImage |
CConditionalMedianImageFilter | Performs a median filtering on outlier pixels |
CConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements ConjugateGradient |
CConjugateGradientGetP_kPlusOneImageFilter | |
CConjugateGradientGetR_kPlusOneImageFilter | |
CConjugateGradientGetX_kPlusOneImageFilter | |
CConjugateGradientImageFilter | Solves AX = B by conjugate gradient |
CConjugateGradientOperator | |
CConstantImageSource | Generate an n-dimensional image with constant pixel values |
CConvexShape | Base class for a 3D convex shape |
CCyclicDeformationImageFilter | Return 3D deformation vector field according to input 4D vector field, phase signal and frame number |
CDaubechiesWaveletsConvolutionImageFilter | Creates a Daubechies wavelets kernel image with the requested attributes (order, type, pass along each dimension) |
CDaubechiesWaveletsDenoiseSequenceImageFilter | Applies 3D Daubechies wavelets denoising to a 3D + time sequence of images |
CDbfField | |
CDbfFile | |
CDCMImagXImageIO | |
CDCMImagXImageIOFactory | |
CDeconstructImageFilter | An image filter that deconstructs an image using Daubechies wavelets |
CDeconstructSoftThresholdReconstructImageFilter | Deconstructs an image, soft thresholds its wavelets coefficients, then reconstructs |
CDenoisingBPDQImageFilter | Base class for Basis Pursuit DeQuantization denoising filters |
CDePierroRegularizationImageFilter | Implements a regularization for MLEM/OSEM reconstruction |
CDigisensGeometryReader | |
CDigisensGeometryXMLFileReader | |
CDisplacedDetectorForOffsetFieldOfViewImageFilter | Weigting for displaced detectors with offset field-of-view |
CDisplacedDetectorImageFilter | Weigting for displaced detectors |
CDivergenceOfGradientConjugateGradientOperator | Computes the divergence of the gradient of an image. To be used with the ConjugateGradientImageFilter |
CDownsampleImageFilter | Downsamples an image by a factor in each dimension |
CDPExtractShroudSignalImageFilter | Extract the signal corresponding to the breathing motion (1D) from a shroud image (2D) |
CDrawBoxImageFilter | Draws a 3D image user defined BoxShape |
CDrawConeImageFilter | Draws a cone in a 3D image |
CDrawConvexImageFilter | Draws a rtk::ConvexShape in a 3D image |
CDrawCylinderImageFilter | Draws a cylinder in a 3D image |
CDrawEllipsoidImageFilter | Draws an ellipsoid in a 3D image |
CDrawGeometricPhantomImageFilter | Draws a GeometricPhantom in a 3D image |
CDrawQuadricImageFilter | Draws a QuadricShape in a 3D image |
CDrawSheppLoganFilter | Draws a SheppLoganPhantom in a 3D image with a default scale of 128 |
CDualEnergyNegativeLogLikelihood | |
▶CEdfImageIO | Class for reading Edf image file format. Edf is the format of X-ray projection images at the ESRF |
Ctable | |
Ctable3 | |
CEdfImageIOFactory | ITK factory for Edf file I/O |
CEdfRawToAttenuationImageFilter | Convert raw ESRF data to attenuation images |
CElektaSynergyGeometryReader | |
CElektaSynergyLookupTableImageFilter | Lookup table for Elekta Synergy data |
CElektaSynergyRawLookupTableImageFilter | First part of ElektaSynergyLookupTableImageFilter |
CElektaXVI5GeometryXMLFileReader | |
CExtractPhaseImageFilter | Extracts the phase of a 1D signal |
CFDKBackProjectionImageFilter | CPU version of the backprojection of the FDK algorithm |
CFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements Feldkamp, David and Kress cone-beam reconstruction |
CFDKWarpBackProjectionImageFilter | CPU version of the warp backprojection of motion-compensated FDK |
CFDKWeightProjectionFilter | Weighting of projections to correct for the divergence in filtered backprojection reconstruction algorithms. The weighting comprises: |
CFFTHilbertImageFilter | Implements the Hilbert transform |
CFFTProjectionsConvolutionImageFilter | Base class for 1D or 2D FFT based convolution of projections |
CFFTRampImageFilter | Implements the ramp image filter of the filtered backprojection algorithm |
CFieldOfViewImageFilter | Computes the field of view mask for circular 3D geometry |
CForbildPhantomFileReader | Reads GeometricPhantom from a Forbild file |
CForwardDifferenceGradientImageFilter | Computes the gradient of an image using forward difference |
CForwardProjectionImageFilter | Base class for forward projection, i.e. accumulation along x-ray lines |
CForwardWarpImageFilter | Warps an image using splat instead of interpolation |
CFourDConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements part of the 4D reconstruction by conjugate gradient |
CFourDReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator | Implements part of the 4D reconstruction by conjugate gradient |
CFourDROOSTERConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements 4D RecOnstructiOn using Spatial and TEmporal Regularization (short 4D ROOSTER) |
CFourDSARTConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the 4D Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique |
CFourDToProjectionStackImageFilter | Implements part of the 4D reconstruction by conjugate gradient |
CGeometricPhantom | Container for a geometric phantom, i.e., a set of ConvexShapes |
CGeometricPhantomFileReader | Reads configuration file in a user-defined file format |
CGetNewtonUpdateImageFilter | Computes update from gradient and Hessian in Newton's method |
CGlobalResourceProbe | |
CHilbertImageFilter | Computes the complex analytic signal of a 1D signal |
CHisImageIO | Class for reading His Image file format |
CHisImageIOFactory | ITK factory for His file I/O |
▶CHncImageIO | |
Chnc_header | |
CHncImageIOFactory | |
▶CHndImageIO | Class for reading Hnd Image file format |
Chnd_header | |
CHndImageIOFactory | ITK factory for Hnd file I/O |
CI0EstimationProjectionFilter | Estimate the I0 value from the projection histograms |
CImageToVectorImageFilter | Re-writes an image as a vector image |
▶CImagXGeometryReader | |
CCalibrationModelType | |
CFlexmapType | |
CInterpResultType | |
CImagXImageIO | |
CImagXImageIOFactory | |
CImagXXMLFileReader | |
CImportImageFilter | Import data from a standard C array into an itk::Image |
CInterpolatorWithKnownWeightsImageFilter | Interpolates (linearly) in a 3D+t sequence of volumes to get a 3D volume |
CIntersectionOfConvexShapes | Defines a shape as the intersection of several ConvexShape |
CIterationCommand | Abstract superclass to all iteration callbacks. Derived classes must implement the Run() method. Run() can be triggered only once in every n iterations |
CIterativeConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Mother class for cone beam reconstruction filters which need runtime selection of their forward and back projection filters |
CIterativeFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the Iterative FDK |
CJosephBackAttenuatedProjectionImageFilter | Attenuated Joseph back projection |
CJosephBackProjectionImageFilter | Joseph back projection |
CJosephForwardAttenuatedProjectionImageFilter | Joseph forward projection |
CJosephForwardProjectionImageFilter | Joseph forward projection |
CLagCorrectionImageFilter | Classical Linear Time Invariant Lag correction |
CLaplacianImageFilter | Computes the laplacian of the input image |
CLastDimensionL0GradientDenoisingImageFilter | Denoises along the last dimension, reducing the L0 norm of the gradient |
CLookupTableImageFilter | Function to do the lookup operation |
CLUTbasedVariableI0RawToAttenuationImageFilter | Performs the conversion from raw data to attenuations |
CMagnitudeThresholdImageFilter | Performs thresholding on the norm of each vector-valued input pixel |
CMaskCollimationImageFilter | Mask out everything behind the jaws (typically in Ora file format, i.e., the medPhoton scanner) |
▶CMatlabSparseMatrix | |
CMatlabSparseMatrixStruct | |
CMaximumIntensityProjectionImageFilter | MIP filter |
CMechlemOneStepSpectralReconstructionFilter | Implements the one-step spectral CT inversion method described by Mechlem et al |
CMotionCompensatedFourDConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements motion compensated 4D reconstruction by conjugate gradient |
CMotionCompensatedFourDReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator | Like FourDReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator, but motion-compensated |
CMotionCompensatedFourDROOSTERConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements Motion Compensated 4D RecOnstructiOn using Spatial and TEmporal Regularization (short MC-ROOSTER) |
CMultiplyByVectorImageFilter | Multiplies each (n-1) dimension image by the corresponding element in a vector |
CNesterovUpdateImageFilter | Applies Nesterov's momentum technique |
CNormalVariateNoiseFunctor | Pixel functor that adds Gaussian noise |
COraGeometryReader | |
COraImageIO | Class for reading Ora Image file format |
COraImageIOFactory | ITK factory for Ora file I/O |
COraLookupTableImageFilter | Lookup table for Ora data |
COraXMLFileReader | |
COSEMConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the Ordered-Subset Expectation-Maximization algorithm |
COutputIterationCommand | Output intermediate iterations in a file. This class is useful to check convergence of an iterative method and to avoid starting over similar computations when testing hyperparameters of an iterative algorithm |
CParkerShortScanImageFilter | |
CPercentageProgressCommand | Outputs every time a filter progresses by at least one percent |
CPhaseGatingImageFilter | |
CPhaseReader | Parses csv file containing the cardiac or respiratory phases of each projection |
CPhasesToInterpolationWeights | Parses csv file containing the cardiac or respiratory phases of each projection, and generates interpolation weights for 4D reconstruction |
CPolynomialGainCorrectionImageFilter | |
CProgressCommand | Abstract superclass to all progress callbacks. Derived classes must implement the Run() method |
CProjectGeometricPhantomImageFilter | Analytical projection a GeometricPhantom |
CProjectionGeometry | A templated class holding a vector of M x (M+1) matrices |
CProjectionsDecompositionNegativeLogLikelihood | |
CProjectionsReader | |
CProjectionsRegionConstIteratorRayBased | Iterate over a projection stack with corresponding ray information |
CProjectionsRegionConstIteratorRayBasedParallel | Implements a ray-based iterator for a parallel beam and a flat panel |
CProjectionsRegionConstIteratorRayBasedWithCylindricalPanel | Implements a ray-based iterator for a point source and a cylindrical panel |
CProjectionsRegionConstIteratorRayBasedWithFlatPanel | Implements a ray-based iterator for a point source and a flat panel |
CProjectionStackToFourDImageFilter | Implements part of the 4D reconstruction by conjugate gradient |
CQuadricShape | Defines a 3D quadric shape |
CRayBoxIntersectionImageFilter | Analytical projection of a BoxShape |
CRayConvexIntersectionImageFilter | Analytical projection of ConvexShape |
CRayEllipsoidIntersectionImageFilter | Analytical projection of ellipsoids |
CRayQuadricIntersectionImageFilter | Analytical projection of a QuadricShape |
CReconstructImageFilter | An image filter that reconstructs an image using Daubechies wavelets |
CReconstructionConjugateGradientOperator | Implements the operator A used in conjugate gradient reconstruction |
CReg1DExtractShroudSignalImageFilter | Reg1DExtract the signal corresponding to the breathing motion (1D) from a shroud image (2D) |
CReg23ProjectionGeometry | {A simple utility class which makes the REG23 projection geometry compatible with RTK's geometry.} |
CRegularizedConjugateGradientConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Performs 3D regularized reconstruction |
CReorderProjectionsImageFilter | Sorts or shuffle projections and geometry inputs |
CResourceProbesCollector | Aggregates a set of time, memory and cuda memory probes |
CSARTConeBeamReconstructionFilter | Implements the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique [Andersen, 1984] |
CScatterGlareCorrectionImageFilter | Implements the scatter glare correction as described in [Poludniowski, PMB 2011] |
CSchlomka2008NegativeLogLikelihood | |
CSelectOneProjectionPerCycleImageFilter | Subselects one projection per respiratory cycle from a phase signal |
CSeparableQuadraticSurrogateRegularizationImageFilter | For one-step inversion of spectral CT data by the method Mechlem2017, computes regularization term's first and second derivatives |
CSheppLoganPhantom | SheppLogan phantom as defined in "Principles of CT imaging" by Kak & Slaney |
CSheppLoganPhantomFilter | Analytical projection of a SheppLoganPhantom with a 128 (default) scale |
CSignalToInterpolationWeights | Computes interpolation weights for 4D reconstruction |
CSimplexSpectralProjectionsDecompositionImageFilter | Decomposition of spectral projection images into material projections |
CSingularValueThresholdImageFilter | Performs thresholding on the singular values |
CSoftThresholdImageFilter | Soft thresholds an image |
CSoftThresholdTVImageFilter | Computes the Total Variation from a gradient input image (pixels are vectors), soft thresholds it, and outputs a multiple channel image with vectors colinear to the input vectors but having a smaller norm |
CSpectralForwardModelImageFilter | Forward model for the decomposition of spectral projection images into material projections |
CSplatWithKnownWeightsImageFilter | Splats (linearly) a 3D volume into a 3D+t sequence of volumes |
CSubSelectFromListImageFilter | |
CSubSelectImageFilter | Subselects projections from a stack of projections |
CSumOfSquaresImageFilter | |
CThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry | Projection geometry for a source and a 2-D flat panel |
CThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileReader | |
CThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter | |
CTotalNuclearVariationDenoisingBPDQImageFilter | Performs total nuclear variation denoising |
CTotalVariationDenoiseSequenceImageFilter | Applies 3D total variation denoising to a 3D + time sequence of images |
CTotalVariationDenoisingBPDQImageFilter | Applies a total variation denoising, only alm_SingularValueThresholdFilterong the dimensions specified, on an image |
CTotalVariationImageFilter | Compute the total variation of an Image |
CUnwarpSequenceConjugateGradientOperator | Implements the operator A used in the conjugate gradient unwarp sequence filter |
CUnwarpSequenceImageFilter | Finds the image sequence that, once warped, equals the input image sequence |
CUpsampleImageFilter | Upsamples an image by the given factor for each dimension |
CVarianObiGeometryReader | |
CVarianObiRawImageFilter | Converts raw images measured by the Varian OBI system to attenuation |
CVarianObiXMLFileReader | |
CVarianProBeamGeometryReader | |
CVarianProBeamXMLFileReader | |
CVectorImageToImageFilter | Re-writes a vector image as an image |
CVerboseIterationCommand | Outputs to standard output when an iteration completes |
CWarpFourDToProjectionStackImageFilter | Forward projection part for motion compensated iterative 4D reconstruction |
CWarpProjectionStackToFourDImageFilter | Back projection part for motion compensated iterative 4D reconstruction |
CWarpSequenceImageFilter | Applies an N-D + time Motion Vector Field to an N-D + time sequence of images |
CWatcherForResourceProbe | Very light watcher to monitor Start and End events on all filters |
CWaterPrecorrectionImageFilter | Performs the classical water precorrection for beam hardening (Kachelriess, Med. Phys. 2006) |
CWeidingerForwardModelImageFilter | Performs intermediate computations in Weidinger2016 |
▶CXimImageIO | Class for reading Xim Image file format |
Cxim_header | |
CXimImageIOFactory | ITK factory for Xim file I/O |
CXRadGeometryReader | |
CXRadImageIO | Class for reading XRad image file format. XRad is the format of exported X-ray projection images on the small animal irradiator SMART. http://www.pxinc.com/products/small-animal-igrt-platform/x-rad-225cx/ |
CXRadImageIOFactory | ITK factory for XRad file I/O |
CXRadRawToAttenuationImageFilter | |
CZengBackProjectionImageFilter | Zeng back projection |
CZengForwardProjectionImageFilter | Zeng forward projection |
CPolynomialGainCorrection | Pixel-wize polynomial gain calibration |
CRabbitCtGlobalData | RabbitCT global data structure |
CRawToAttenuationImageFilter | Convert raw XRad data to attenuation images |
CrtkDualEnergyNegativeLogLikelihood | Cost function for dual energy decomposition into material, and associated forward model |
CrtkProjectionsDecompositionNegativeLogLikelihood | Base class for projections decomposition cost functions |
CrtkSchlomka2008NegativeLogLikelihood | Cost function from the Schlomka 2008 PMB paper |
CSumOfSquaresImageFilter | Computes the sum of squared differences between two images |