RTK 1.1.0 Released
The RTK consortium is pleased to announce the release of RTK v1.1.0.
The new release is the result of our continuous efforts to improve the
The main features that have been developed since the previous release are:
- SimpleRTK to run RTK filters (even the CUDA ones) from python scripts,
C# code, and more
- new projection pre-processing options (i0 calculation, scatter
correction, water pre-correction)
- extraction of the respiratory phase from cone-beam projections
- linear programming for field-of-view computation based on a third
party software, lp solve 5.5
- management of off-center detector in iterative methods
- new iterative 3D and 4D reconstruction methods with Daubechies
wavelets regularization
- new iterative 4D reconstruction method with motion-aware regularization
- reduction of memory footprint, especially GPU memory
- many new CUDA filters
- more robust (many bugs and memory leaks fixed)
- use of MathJax to display formulas in the documentation, e.g., here.
RTK is available for download from the
download page. It is also available through